Friday, July 04, 2008

Atazanavir for Treatment of HIV Infection


Effect on Lipodystrophy

Based on preliminary data at week 48 from a substudy of the AI424-034 trial, it would appear that atazanavir has little effect on changes in fat redistribution.[35] In this substudy, dual x-ray absorptiometery (DXA) and cross-sectional computed tomography (CT) were performed at baseline and at week 48. At week 48, DXA scans revealed small, comparable increases in appendicular fat (3% vs 3%), truncal fat (5% vs 8%), and total body fat (5% vs 5%) for atazanavir versus efavirenz. Cross-sectional CT scans showed no change from baseline in the ratio of visceral adipose tissue:total adipose tissue for both regimens. Another trial (AI424-007/AI424-041) comparing unboosted atazanavir with nelfinavir revealed that 13% and 8% developed investigator-reported lipodsytrophy, 0% and 1% developed a buffalo hump, and 5% and 2% developed gynecomastia, respectively.[35] A recent case series of three patients reported a regression of dorsocervical and abdominal fat accumulation after switching the existing protease inhibitor in their HAART regimen for atazanavir.[62] However, careful long-term studies will be needed to assess the true effect of atazanavir on lipodystrophy.

Previous PageSection 7 of 12Pharmacotherapy 24(12):1732-1747, 2004. © 2004 Pharmacotherapy Publications
This is a part of article Atazanavir for Treatment of HIV Infection Taken from "Causes Of Erectile Disfunction" Information Blog

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